We decided to re-release our classic Pear Cider with a new, bilingual label as 'Pera de Campesinos' (in English, 'Farmworker Pear') to honor the often invisibilized and underappreciated lives and work of the farmworkers who picked, packed and processed the fruit that made this cider possible. This bottle supports two regional community organizations that support farmworker and immigrant rights and work to create a more just food system for all, Community to Community Development in Bellingham, Washington and Jefferson County Immigrant Rights Advocates in Port Townsend, Washington. We are proud to partner with both of these organizations! The label was illustrated by local artist Sara Ybarra Lopez, whose work you can learn more about at https://www.carapacearts.com/.

To learn more about the release of 'Pera de Campesinos,' please read our press release.

In September 2020, Finnriver hosted a public webinar on agricultural labor in the apple and pear industries in Washington State as a part of Washington Cider Week. Finnriver had the privilege of speaking with and learning from community leaders from Community to Community Development and Familias Unidas por la Justicia. Please click here or see video below to watch a recording of this important conversation.

We welcome questions, ideas and concerns, and you can learn more about Finnriver’s work towards diversity, equity and inclusion. If you have ideas for other projects or organizations to connect with, please let us know at equity@finnriver.com.

For more information about the organizations this project supports, please see the following links:

For more information about local and regional organizations you can support, please see the following links:

 Resources to learn more:

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